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Recipe For Heavy Heavy T-shirts (50+ Servings)

Updated: Mar 15, 2020


Easy to make, but reserve at least a week for the printing.

Step 1: Go to your local 2nd hand shop (like Humana). Find some nice shirts. Buy as many as you can.

Step 2: Actually just repeat step 1 until you have like 50 shirts or more. Make sure to get some hoodies and tank tops as well. STAY AWAY from Fruit of the Loom (strangle warning).

Step 3: Create some "artwork". Something with animals should work. I don't know, frogs?

Step 4: Find a local printing shop (like Rebel Unlit e.g.). Bring them the shirts and send whatever 4th grade level crap you made in step 3.

Step 5: Wait for a week. Waity waity.

Step 6: 50+ UNIQUE-ASS SHIRTS that you now need to spend about 40 times more time on than it took to make them to convince your friends to buy!

If you are already convinced just hit us up on and tell us which one you want!

Sizes: XS to XL Prices: 10e to 25e depending on garment (tank top, t-shirt, long-sleeve, hoodie...)

In case you missed it, here's our new song, Dead Weight and Broken Dreams:


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